THIS is the HARDEST Bicep Exercise | HEFESTO

Welcome to the Awais World Fitness website today we're gonna teach you how to Hefesto. The Hefesto is an advanced calisthenic movement that uses both pulling and pushing muscles to perform the equivalent of a reverse muscle up or a German hang muscle up, utilizing all the muscles in your upper body from your form, biceps, shoulders, back, lats, and even your chest. What makes this exercise extremely difficult is the fact that you'll be curling your entire body weight behind your back, forcing you to isolate your bicep more than any other calisthenic exercise.

THIS is the HARDEST Bicep Exercise | HEFESTO

Hardest Bicep Exercise:

Now, there are two ways of entry for the Hefesto. One is from the negative and the other one is from the skin cat position, regripping from the bottom and the progressions we're gonna show you today will help you build strength to do both ways of entry. Starting with the first progression, the easiest progression, anyone at any level can do this, advanced reverse Australian chin up.

  • Warning: The Hefesto is an extremely advanced exercise that places a significant load on the biceps and shoulders. It should only be attempted by experienced individuals who have built up the necessary strength and skill. Attempting this exercise without proper preparation and supervision can lead to serious injury. Always prioritize safety in your workouts.


For this move, we can use a low bar, rings, or even a Smith machine. All right, Kyle, let's break it down for them. First, you wanna have a nice over grip, knuckles above the bar, wanna place your feet at an angle in which it's challenging for you and you can complete a rep with perfect form. Start pulling towards your back and you see you pull towards your back and then you retract your shoulders to get on top of the bar and that's a full rep. Now, come back down and the lower the angle, the harder it gets. 


So let's show him how to do it and then let's break it down. All right guys, and that was the false grip German hang. You wanna start this move with a chin-up grip, skin the cat, and then regrip yourself to a false grip. Once you have a strong false grip, you wanna drop your hips to a German hang and just hold. At first, you won't be able to have your hips all the way down at a 90-degree angle or lower, but you can start from a little higher, and over time as you build strength and mobility you'll be able to drop lower and lower. This exercise is great for conditioning your wrist, your biceps, and scapular protraction for the bottom portion of the Hefesto. 


So we're gonna show you what it looks like in two different grips, let's go for five reps. So as you can see, I did the supine version and Kyle did the pronated version. You always wanna do different grips to build your overall strength and get gains faster. So this move starts from the bottom of the skin of the cat with your knees tucked, you then continue to keep your shoulders protracted and you pull the bar towards your back, strengthening the beginning of the Hefesto being able to pull from a locked elbow position.

At first, you may not pull to the bar and your hips might be a little high, but the more you continue to do it the stronger you will get, the lower your hips you'll get, and the higher you'll be able to pull up. So you want to be able to do at least five reps of this movement, with your back touching the bar before moving on to the next progression.

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