8 Min Full Body Beginner Workout For Gym Lovers - Awais World

Welcome to the Awais World Fitness website today we're going to do an eight-minute, full-body, beginners workout. This workout is great for beginners because it challenges you but doesn't require a high fitness level to be completed. And because these exercises are easy to perform, we'll be completing them for 45 seconds on and 15 seconds off. Because we're working 45 seconds on and 15 seconds off, that's really gonna make sure that we fatigue all of our muscles. All right for our first exercise, we're gonna be doing low plank to high plank.

8 Min Full Body Beginner Workout - Awais World

Warm-Up (2 minutes):

  • Start with a 2-minute warm-up to prepare your body for exercise.
  • March in Place: Stand tall and march in place, lifting your knees as high as comfortable.
  • Arm Circles: Extend your arms to the sides and make small circles with your arms, gradually increasing the size of the circles.
  • Bodyweight Squats: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and perform gentle bodyweight squats, focusing on your form.
  • Alternating Lunges: Step forward with one foot, lower your body into a lunge, and then return to the starting position. Alternate legs.

Plank to High Plank

45 seconds on, let's go. All right this is a really good exercise to start because it warms all of your triceps, and your arms and even activates your core. The next movement that we're gonna be doing is knee tricep extensions.

Tricep Extensions

If you need that 15-second break, take it, if not, let's get started. That's a really great low-impact tricep exercise. If you can do it with your legs extended go ahead and do so, if not, getting on your knees is great for beginners. The next exercise that we're gonna get into is going to row with the resistance band, let's go.


All right, these exercises are great for our rear delts and our back. When choosing a resistance band make sure that you get one that's still gonna challenge you but allows you to complete that full 45 seconds. The next movement that we'll go into is going to be bicep curls with the resistance band.


45 seconds on, let's go. This exercise is great for the biceps and using this resistance band is really going to use that time under tension. Again make sure that you use a resistance band that challenges but still allows you to complete that full 45 seconds. If you need a resistance band make sure that you go to awaisworld.com. All right, and our next movement is going to be shoulder taps.


Let's go. Again, 45 seconds on and make sure that you keep that core tight. Slow and controlled. All right, that exercise really engaged our shoulders and our core. If you need that 15 seconds make sure you take it otherwise we're gonna go right into our next movement


Make sure you give it your all. Here we go. All right that completes round one, we have three more to go to complete this workout. If you liked this article make sure you smash that like button and share it with your family or your friend who's trying to work full body.

For more workouts like this make sure you visit awaisworld.com. Remember we post every Sunday, at 8 p.m., PST time. Comment down below what you'd like the next article to be about and for more of my personal content make sure you follow me on Instagram and YouTube @Arica_sky. Again, thank you so much for reading and we'll see you for the next article.

This 8-minute full-body beginner workout is a great way to get started with exercise and improve your overall strength and fitness. As you progress, you can gradually increase the duration and intensity of your workouts. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions.

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