5 Moves That Helped Me Master Full Planche Pushups - Awais World

Welcome to Awais World Fitness website today, I'm gonna be showing you guys five exercises that helped me achieve the full planche.

5 Moves That Helped Me Master Full Planche Pushups - Awais World


"How to full planche step by step." When I first started doing the dumbbell straight arm hold, it was hard at first, but as I kept training it, it helped me achieve harder exercises like the planche lean because it helps develop that straight arm strength and it also led me to do harder exercises. If you guys do not have a pair of dumbbells at home, you can always use some type of books or anything that just weighs a lot and if you're just starting this exercise, I highly recommend you guys use something around five to 10 pounds. 


"How to full planche step by step, 10 steps." Whenever I first started doing the planche leans, it was kind of a struggle at first, I couldn't really lean to where my hands were all the way by my waistline, but as I kept doing this exercise and training the double straight arm hold and raises that's whenever it helped me develop that planche lean strength to be able to have my hands by my waistline. Okay, guys. So when you're doing this exercise, make sure to keep your arms locked out, like I showed y'all in the first exercise which was the dumbbell straight arm holds and raises and second thing, make sure to keep your scapulas protracted and also make sure you're pushing from your waistline.


Now, this exercise right here is the one that Handstand to full planche negatives was a big struggle for me whenever I started from a handstand into a full planchet, I would just drop but as I kept training the negative and going back to previous progressions, finally able to start going down slowly into a planche. Okay, now I'm gonna be showing you guys the exercise and then after that, I'm gonna break it down. Okay, so when you guys are doing this exercise, start from a handstand and basically what you wanna do is, you're gonna lower your body while keeping your arms completely straight, just like this, and try to basically lean forward while keeping your arms in one single position. 


So you can either put it on your waist or your heels. If you do put it on your waist, it's going to make it a little bit harder because you're relying more on the lower back strength to bring up your legs, but if you do put it on your heels right here, then you're going to be using less low back strength and it's gonna make it a little bit easier. So I'm gonna be showing you guys how to do both.


My favourite exercise is gonna be doing L-Sit to full planche pumps. "Top five best exercises to master full planche." Though the L-Sit to full planche pumps were honestly the second hardest exercise for me to learn, whenever I first started doing this exercise, I would start from the L-SiT, and go into the full planche but I could not hold it at all for at least one second. I wouldn't even be able to hold it for a millisecond but as I kept doing this exercise more and more often, it stopped me from using less and less momentum and relying more on my straight arm strength and my planche lean strength. 

Training Tips:

  • Be patient and consistent with your training. Achieving the full planche push-up can take a long time.
  • Train your planche and push-up variations on separate days or in separate sessions to avoid overtraining.
  • Focus on proper form and technique. Maintaining good form during your training will help you progress more effectively and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Incorporate stretching and flexibility exercises into your routine to improve your shoulder and wrist mobility, which are essential for planche movements.

All right guys, those were my top five favourite exercises that helped me achieve full planche from the Awais World website. And make sure to check out all the articles on this website where Awais breaks down every single exercise and any exercise that you can think of. Thank you guys so much for reading and if you did like this article, make sure to hit that comment button and hit that comment button and also share it with your friends and family. Mad love, peace out.

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