5 Exercises For HUGE Shoulders At Home- Awais World

Welcome to the Awais World blog today, I will be giving you an exercise you can do right from home displaying seven activities to construct gigantic and solid shoulders. Presently your shoulders are really the biggest muscle bunch in your chest area and have the vastest scope of movement of any joint in your whole body. Furthermore, that is the reason it's so critical to foster your shoulders as they're utilized in each exercise that includes your arms whether they're the essential muscle bunch, the assister, or the stabilizer.

5 Exercises For HUGE Shoulders - Awais World

The other thing you're gonna wanna do is have a combination of isolation and compound exercises for your shoulders, as well as making sure that you're properly engaging all three heads of your shoulders. I've seen it being done so many times. People will go ahead and do a whole shoulder workout and every single exercise emphasizes their frontal delt but barely engages their rear delt throughout the entire workout. You can go ahead and do the warm-up before we get started, but if you're already warmed up, please smash that like button, and we're ready to go. That's gonna be handstand pushups.


I love this exercise so much because there are so many progressions to this exercise. You're gonna be doing this move throughout your entire fitness journey and you're gonna be making progress and gains from it. That's gonna be pike pushups on the ground. If you've been training with me for a while and you've been developing more strength, you can try elevated pike pushups or even handstand pushups against the wall. And if you've really been training hard and following along with me for a couple years, we can do those handstand pushups free standing. 


For building our rear delt. That's gonna be a single arm bent over the rear delt flies with the dumbbell. All right, so I'm gonna use this ottoman as assistance. Put my hand down. You want your back as straight as possible. And when you raise, you wanna raise to your elbow. So we're gonna grab the dumbbell. We're going for 15 reps on each side. Keep your back straight, squeeze your core, and raise by your elbow. All right, let's go ahead and switch.


For your lateral delt as well as your rear delt. So let's get into position kneeling down on the ground. If you wanna have your core tight, retract your scapulas. Gonna put one hand here for assistance. Bring the other one up. Make sure to bring it up by the elbow. Last one. All right, let's go ahead and switch it up. Use the elbow to come up. Make sure your scapulas are retracted and pulled back. Let's go two more. All right. Those shoulders should be on fire by now. 


We're gonna get into is gonna hit a bit of all three of our heads within our shoulders, but really emphasize on our lateral head. We're gonna be going for tap lateral raises with the dumbbells. So let's go ahead and pick up a lighter dumbbell or you can pick up two books if you're at your house and you don't have a pair of dumbbells, but we're gonna grab them together. Come all the way up. Touch the outsides. Come right back down to the centre. Squeeze your core, and have a tight grip. When you get to the top, you want your knuckles facing each other. 


Then, we will underscore our inside delts with front-facing raises. So we will get some weight. Large chest, scapulas withdrew. Put the hand weights before you, and crush your centre. You will come as far as possible up past your eyes and right down. 15 redundancies. Have a steady commitment, and crush your centre. Overall quite controlled. Control the descension, too. How about we go, three remaining. Decent in charge. Last one. OK, we are down to the last and last activity. We will complete this daily practice by stressing our average delts for certain parallel raises. Presently I realize your shoulders are ablaze at this point. Attempt to get your disapproval without fail. Three all the more left. My shoulders are ablaze. What's more, with only seven activities, a free weight, and two or three minutes from home, we just crushed this everyday practice. Keep in mind, that it's not where you train, it's the way you train.

Additional Tips:

  • Ensure that your form is correct to avoid injury.
  • Gradually increase the weight as you get stronger to continue challenging your muscles.
  • Prioritize overall nutrition and sufficient protein intake to support muscle growth.
  • Allow your shoulders to recover with adequate rest and sleep.

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