3 Things You Should NEVER Do Before A Workout - Awais World

Today, I'm gonna go over three things you never wanna do before a workout and the three things you should do instead. All right, starting with the first thing you never wanna do before a workout is gonna be eat and drink too much. You wanna think of your food as fuel. So you wanna eat just enough to fuel your workout but keep in mind that it takes between two to four hours for the food in your stomach to pass through into your small intestines. Depending of course on how big the meal was. Having too much food in your stomach during your workout of course is not only gonna feel uncomfortable but it might make it harder to keep your core tight in certain exercises like the deadlift squat or just simply doing AB exercises.

3 Things You Should NEVER Do Before A Workout - Awais World

3 Things You Should Never Do Before A Workout

And drinking too many fluids before you work out can cause cramps and can feel uncomfortable having a stomach full of liquid while you're working out. All right, the second thing you never wanna do before you work out is skip your warm-up. Warming up before you work out is gonna cause your body's temperature to rise causing your muscles to be more or less giving you more strength during your workout, as well as helping prevent injury and soreness the following day. And of course, when warming up you wanna stick to a dynamic warmup. The last and third thing you never wanna do before a workout is not have a plan. This workout calls for a warmup, but I've already warmed up.


So I'm gonna get right into the workout. The first exercise is gonna be push-ups 10 times starting with our chest. Let's go for it.

Pike Pushups

The next exercise we have is gonna be pike pushups and here we're gonna be working more of our deltoids. So we're gonna put the phone down, hands down. I'm gonna try and get my hips as much over my head as possible and go for 10 reps.

Tuck Sit Holds

Moving on to our core the next exercise is gonna be tuck L-Sit Hold. We're gonna be using parallettes. You can do them on the floor with dumbbells or anything you can hold on to. We're gonna be going for a max hold. So during this exercise, you wanna keep your abs tight, elbows locked out, and push your hips forward through your arms. Let's get onto the next exercise.

Australian Pullups

Australian pull-ups. We're gonna be using a wide shoulder with and close grip. We're gonna be going for 10 with each grip. All right, shoulder width. The last one is a close grip. Here we have the Australians wide shoulder and close. Really good exercise for your lats, your biceps, and even your rear delts.

Australian Chinups

Australian chin ups and we have 20 reps. It calls for a 32nd break but I'm gonna get right into it. Back on the bar, we're going for 20 reps of Australian chin-ups. Because we're pulling out a more horizontal angle, this is actually gonna really engage your rhomboids and of course your lats. And of course the higher the angle you are the easier it's gonna be. The lower the angle, the harder it's gonna be. The next exercise we have is gonna be a full-body exercise. Really good for your cardio, but it's also gonna develop your upper body and lower body


And that's going to be burpees. We're gonna do it 10 times. All right, 10 burpees. I'm out of breath and we only have three moves left. The next one is gonna be bench dips Bench Dip focusing more on our triceps. So let's go for 15 rips. Bench dips are great exercise for your triceps. Let's go on to the next one.

Jump Squat

Focusing on our lower body, we have 20 jump squats. Every rep, I want you to keep your heels down on the ground when you're doing the squat, explode, and jump up as high as you can 20 times. We're down to the last exercise of this workout and that's gonna be Bulgarian split squats.

Bulgarian Split Squat

We're gonna be doing 10 on each leg. Let's go for it. All right. Other decide. All right. That completes the workout. If you were able to complete the workout, congratulations. To get the best out of this workout, you really wanna do at least three to four rounds, and make sure to share this video with a friend who needs a complete full-body workout.

To get more workouts just like this, getting you in the best shape of your life, visit the awaisworld.com website in Google to take our workouts with you anywhere. On the website, you're gonna find workout programs, technique guides, and daily workouts that are gonna get you shredded. Make sure to comment down below what you want the next article to be about. Remember we post every Sunday at 8:00 PM USA Eastern time, and I'll see you next Sunday.

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