10 Minute Home Workout For 6 Pack Abs & Fat Burning - Awais World

Welcome to another article Awais World. Today we're gonna do a workout to get a shredded six-pack all from home. One of the benefits of training your abs is that you don't really need equipment and you can get a challenging workout and see real results all from the comfort of your own home.

Do you need to train abs to get a six-pack?

Your core plays a crucial role in contracting, rotating, and flexing your body as well as supporting all compound exercises. So training your abdominals will not only avoid injury but also increase the performance of your overall physical ability. Now one of the best ways to train abs and burn fats simultaneously is with high-intensity interval training.

10 Minute Home Workout For 6 Pack Abs & Fat Burning- Awais World


This is gonna be 10 exercises for 45 seconds each, with 15 seconds rest in between to incorporate the high-intensity interval training style. This routine requires absolutely no equipment so the only thing we're gonna need is 10 minutes of your time and dedication. There's not gonna much talking after this. We're gonna go through the whole routine. If you feel like you're getting fatigued or you feel like you need to stop at any moment, do not get discouraged.

Jumping Jacks

So with that said, we're ready to get started. The first exercise, it's gonna jumping jacks. Let's go for 45 seconds. Now, one of the most important things that you can do while doing these exercises for 45 seconds is to regulate your breathing. The more controlled and regulated your breathing is, the longer you'll be able to last. You can gas yourself out just by breathing hard. We're almost there. Five, four, three, two, one. Alright, take a quick second to catch your breath. It's a great first exercise to warm up your whole body and get your heart rate going. For the next exercise, we're gonna go for the bicycles.

Knee Taps

Again, this exercise is gonna have us work our abdominals. So let's go for 45 seconds. You wanna touch your knee to the other knee. You wanna bring your knees up high. Remember, if you're just getting started, you bring your knees up at a moderate level but the goal is to bring all higher and higher. Be as explosive as you can. Here we go. Five, four, three, two, one. Alright, you should start feeling fine now.

Mountain Climber

So we're gonna get into a pushup position. You bring your knee up, knee up. With your knee several times you can. Now remember, if you're feeling fatigued, you can always slow down and if not, you can keep running with a high-intensity pace. The most important thing is that you do not stop. Here we go. Almost there. Five, four, three, two, and one. Alright, we go back to laying on our backs. The next exercise we're gonna get into is laying leg raises.

Laying Leg Raise

And you notice that like we're hitting all the different muscles within our abdominals. So let's get to this next exercise. Laying leg raises. Get all the hands underneath, mind keeping your legs straight all the way up and all the way down. Five, four, three, two, one. Alright, take that little break.

Push Ups

The ins and outs, open and closed. We're gonna switch over, back into pushup position and then we're gonna jump in all the way in, all the way out, legs open, legs closed. But at your own pace. We're almost there. Keep going. If you hold tight. Five, four, three, two, one. We're going to the next exercise in a plank position.

Plank Side To Side

And really focus on the full range of motion. So you get into a plank, you get your hips down on one side, down to the other side. Let's go for it. Focus on the quality of the engagement in your downloads versus how fast you actually go in this exercise. We're almost there. Here we go. Five, four, three, two, and one Alright, we're almost done.

Star Crunches

Laying down star crunches. So we're gonna assume the shape of the star. You're gonna come up, touch one ankle, come down, touch the other ankle. Let's go for it. Almost there. 10 more seconds. Five, four, three, two and one. Alright, times to finish off this routine. We're going for high-knee runs.

Cool-down (1-2 minutes):

After completing the workout, take 1-2 minutes to cool down and stretch your muscles. Focus on stretching your abs, lower back, hips, and legs.

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