Complete 20 Min Fat Burning Workout | No Equipment Needed

Welcome to Awais World Fitness Website Today, I have a 20-minute workout routine for you that's guaranteed to burn fat and get you shredded while building all the muscles in your body. And if your nutrition's on point, you really only need to do this routine about one or two times a week. Smash the Like button on this article for some extra motivation, and we're ready to get started. We're gonna be doing 20 exercises that don't require any equipment just using our own body weight, for 45 seconds with a 15-second break in between each exercise. So let's bring it down to the floor to the push-up position. We're gonna be warming up.

Complete 20 Min Fat Burning Workout | No Equipment Needed

Fat Burning Workout:

In Out

with the first exercise, in and out. So you wanna jump all the way in, jump all the way out. Go at your own pace. Squeeze your core. Keep your arms straight. Have a good grip on the ground. Remember to regulate your breathing. Focus on controlling your breathing so you don't gas yourself out right at the beginning. Almost there. Last 10 seconds. Here we go. Five, four, three, two, and one. All right, take a second to catch your breath. We're gonna get on our backs this time, 'cause the next exercise is gonna be bicycles.


So breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth. You wanna match one knee with one elbow, just like that. Alternate and keep going. Go at your own pace. Make sure to fully extend that leg. This exercise is super effective for getting shredded and building some strong abdominals. Here we go. Last 10 seconds. Five, four, three, two, and one. Let's go ahead and stretch that out. It's a great one for your abs. All right, next exercise we're gonna get into.

Jumping Jacks

So we're back on our feet. Take a second to catch your breath. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Hands up. Keep it moving. Squeeze the core. Remember, you wanna be pacing yourself. What determines the difficulty of this routine is the intensity of how you do every single exercise. So if you're feeling fatigued, of course, you can go ahead and slow down, but try not to stop, whatever you do. Save that for the break. We're almost there. Five, four, three, two, and one. All right, let's go ahead and shake that off. Next exercise we're gonna get into Plank Knees to elbows is gonna be plank, knees to elbows. So we're gonna get back down on the ground into a plank position. You wanna bring one knee up, down, and alternate. Squeeze that core. Try to bring those knees all the way up to your elbows. We're almost there. 10 more seconds. Five, four, three, two, and one. All right. Get a little break right there. Catch your breath. Shake that off.

Side to Side Squat

So back up on our feet. We're gonna start with the hands on our heads. Give it a squat. Go to one side, go to the other side. Here we go. Last 10 seconds. Five, four, three, two, and one. All right, shake those legs off. We are officially a quarter down. Just three more to go. We're gonna continue the intensity with the next exercise, Burpees no jump burpees. Make sure (exhales loudly) you catch your breath. Let's go for it. So you can lower yourself down. Open up. You'll burpee onto your hands and feet, right back down. If this is too difficult, everybody else, you can just walk it out. You don't even have to do a push-up for my complete beginners. Go at your own pace. Almost there. Five, three, two, and one. There you have it. It's time to bring it back down to the ground. We're gonna go into Russian twists.

Russian Twists

Catch your breath And from a seated position, you wanna bring your legs up, touch one side, and alternate. Really twist, work those obliques, and try to keep your legs straight. Of course, if you're feeling fatigued, you can go ahead and bend them. The straighter they are, the more effective this will be. Last 10 seconds. Five, four, three, two, and one. All right, let's go ahead and stretch that out. Flying through this routine.

High Knee Taps

Coming up next, we have high knee taps, so let's get back on our feet. And if you've noticed, I programmed this routine to keep switching up the position so that even though we feel fatigued, we can continue to go. So let's bring your knees up. Squeeze your core. Stay on your toes. Remember to breathe. It's so important to breathe so that you can continue. You don't gas yourself out. The better you learn to regulate your breathing, the more endurance you're gonna have. Last 10 seconds. Five, four, three, two, and one. There you have it. We are flying through this routine. You should definitely be feeling it by now.

Plank Up Down

Back down to a plank position, and squeeze your core. You wanna drop your hips and then raise them. Keep your legs straight. Really engage your core. This is definitely gonna build your abdominal strength, and get you shredded, but it's also somewhat of an active rest so you can catch your breath and continue to finish the rest of this routine strong. Almost there. Last 10 seconds. Five, four, three, two, and one. All right. We're gonna bring it back up to the ground. Keep switching up the positions so we can keep going.

Switching Lunges

The next exercise is gonna be switching lunges. So you wanna get into a lunge position, hands on your head or on your hips, and we're gonna switch. Now, if this is too difficult for you, you can go ahead and just walk it out. Or if you're feeling fatigued, go at your own pace. Just don't stop. After this, we're gonna be halfway. Last 10 seconds. Here we go. Five, four, three, two, and one. All right, we are officially halfway done with this routine. We're gonna keep going strong.

Shoulder to Shoulder

The next exercise is a push-up position, going from shoulder to shoulder. This is gonna be a full-body killer. So from a push-up position, we're gonna touch one shoulder. Then alternate, side, side, hips, hips, knees, knees, foot, and foot. Keep your balance. Keep going. Side, side, hip, hip, knee, knee, foot, foot. And again, shoulder, shoulder, side, side, hip, hip, knee, knee, foot, foot. Keep it going. Almost there. Last 10 seconds. Here we go. Last couple of seconds. Finish this last, last three, two, and one. All right. We go ahead and take a seated position.

Seated In Out

Another core killer. So quickly breathe through your nose, out through your mouth, slow down your breathing, and you want your fingers forward, knees all the way in, and then a full extension. If this is too difficult, just do smaller movements. The stronger you get, you'll be able to go out further and further. As you can see, I'm not worried about how fast I'm doing it. I'm more focused on how controlled and perfect each rep is. Last 10 seconds. Here we go. Five, four, squeeze, three, two, and one, squeeze. All right, let's bring it back up to the ground again.

Butt Kicks

Next up is gonna be another cardio-dominant exercise. We're gonna be going for butt kicks, so it looks like this. You bring your heels up, and you alternate. You wanna touch every time, squeeze your core, and regulate your breathing, but keep up the intensity. Remember, if you're feeling fatigued at any point, you can always slow down, but don't stop. And of course, if you're feeling fresh, pick it up. And don't feel discouraged if this is the first time you're training like this or even doing this routine. The first time is always the hardest, but definitely gets easier every single time. You definitely get stronger every single time. Last 10 seconds. Here we go. Five, four, three, two, and one. All right, let's go ahead and shake that off. We're gonna hit the ground again.


We're gonna be going for planks, side to side. So let's go ahead and catch our breath (exhales loudly). Get into a plank position. We're gonna put our hip down to one side, go down to the other side, and alternate. Squeeze the core. You should definitely be feeling it by now, you definitely, be breaking a sweat. For sure, I am, but we're gonna finish strong. We're almost done with this routine. Keep it going. Last 10 seconds. Five, four, three, two, and one. All right, we're gonna stand up back on our feet again.

Squat Tap

We're gonna be going for squat taps. This one's not only gonna get us shredded but build muscle in our legs. And after this exercise, we're gonna be officially three-quarters down. Only one quarter, five exercises left. So let's get right into it. We're gonna get into a squat position, tap the ground, up, and alternate. Squeeze your core. Squeeze your glutes. Almost there. Last 10 seconds. Here we go. Five, four, three, two, and one. All right. We are 3/4 down, just five more exercises to go. We're gonna give our lower body a break now, go down to a push-up position.

Push Ups

We're gonna go push-up, side to side. So push up, move to one side, and do a push-up. If you can't do push-ups just go side to side without doing the push-up, just like that. Stay strong. These are the last couple of exercises. Last 10 seconds. Here we go. Five, four, three, two, and last one. All right, shake that off. Let's get back on our backs now. One of my favorite exercises for building strong and shredded abs.

Crunch Reach Through

We're gonna go for crunch reach through. So you're gonna bring one leg up and punch through. Give it a good hook through your legs, and twist. Really work those obliques. Last 10 seconds. Finish strong. Five, four, three, two, and one. All right, go ahead and stretch out your abs, and back on your feet. The next exercise is gonna be alternating curtsy lunges.

Alternating Curty Lunges So quickly, catch your breath. Hands up. Start with the left side, and alternate each leg. Last 20 seconds. Last 10 seconds. Five, four, three, two, and one. We are almost done with this routine. We're gonna get back down into a push-up position Mountain Climbers and go for mountain climbers. Shake off those arms, push-up position. Go your own pace, but don't stop. Get a strong grip on the ground. Keep your arms straight, squeeze your core, and bring your knees up. I want you to finish strong. So it's this exercise and one more after, and we're finished. The finish line is right there. Give it everything you got, and leave it all right here. Almost there. Last 10 seconds. Five, four, three, two, and one. All right, take this last moment. Recollect yourself.

Toe Taps
Plank Alternating Toe Taps We're gonna finish off strong with plank alternating toe taps. Let's get into plank position and absolutely kill this last one. So you're gonna bring one leg up, tap, down, and alternate. Make sure to keep your hips leveled. Don't bring 'em too high, and squeeze. Squeeze your core. 20 more seconds. Don't give up. We're almost there. Last 10 seconds. Here we go. So you should be feeling it the most. Five. Don't give up. Four. Here we go. Three, two, last one. All right. At this point, I have completely drenched Outro in just 20 minutes, with no equipment, right from home. 

Not just burning fat and getting shredded, but also building all the muscles up in our body. Congratulations to everyone who got through that routine with me. Not only are you on your way to getting shredded, but actually being strong. And don't feel discouraged if you felt it was very difficult, or if you may not have been able to do some of the exercises. So the more you do it, the stronger you're gonna get. And eventually, you're gonna be able to go for more rounds. So you wanna do this for at least one to two rounds to get a full, solid workout.

So again, thank you so much for reading. If you enjoyed the article and the workout please smash the Like button. We post every single Monday at 10:00 a.m. USA Eastern Time. That's our new upload time. So make sure to tune in early, and you're definitely gonna have a chance to win. And I'll see you next Monday. 10:00 a.m. USA Eastern Time. Mad love. Peace out.

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