7 Minute BUTT & LEGS Home Workout NO EQUIPMENT - Awais World

Welcome to the Awais World blog Today, I will take you through a glute and leg exercise that you can do right from home. Your glutes are comprised of three muscles, your gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus. These three muscles cooperate to permit the expansion, inward revolution, and kidnapping of the hip. Fortifying your glutes will work on your stance, diminish wounds to your lower back, and furthermore increment athletic execution while running, bouncing, and lifting. Your glutes likewise support your lower back while lifting and safeguard your knees while running. The present exercise will have an immediate accentuation on our glutes and legs. What's more, the most amazing aspect of all, you can do it right from home and it requires no hardware. how about we get to it. We'll truly do each activity with 45 seconds on and a 15-second in the middle between.

7 Minute BUTT & LEGS Home Workout  NO EQUIPMENT - Awais World


The first exercise we'll be doing is squats. 10 seconds. Five, four, three, two, one. Now that was squats, a great compound exercise to warm up your entire body. Make sure, when you're doing this exercise, to really push through your heels and engage your glutes at the top.

Low Squats

For the next exercise, we'll be doing low side-to-side squats. Five seconds. Five, four, three, two, one. So that was low side-to-side squats. Make sure you stay low the entire time in the exercise to really help increase your time under tension.

Curtsy Lunges

The next exercise we'll be doing is alternating curtsy lunges. Five seconds. Five, four, three, two, one. For that exercise, definitely make sure to not only engage your glutes, but your core as well throughout the whole exercise.

Donkey Kicks

For the next exercise, we're gonna be taking it to the floor for donkey kicks. Five seconds. Five, four, three, two, one. All right, switch legs. Five seconds. Five, four, three, two, one. That was donkey kicks. Make sure to keep your foot dorsiflexed the entire time and your heel pointed towards the ceiling to really help engage your glute muscle.

Fire Hydrants

For the next exercise, we'll be doing fire hydrants with 22 seconds on each leg as well. Five seconds. Five, four, three, two, one. Next side. Five, four, three, two, one. Fire Hydrants are a great hip abduction exercise that really helps activate your gluteus maximus.

Hip Thrusts

For the next exercise, we'll be doing hip thrusts. So make sure to find a surface in your home that you can rest your back against. Five, four, three, two, one. Hip thrusts are one of my favorite exercises to really help engage your glute muscles. For the next exercise,

Glute Bridges

we'll be doing elevated single-leg glute bridges for 22 seconds on each side. Let's get it. Five seconds. Five, four, three, two, one.

Switch legs

Five seconds. Five, four, three, two, one.

Single-leg glute bridges really help engage your hamstrings. That completes our workout for today. If you wanna get the full workout, try to do this routine three to four times. 

Thank you so much for reading. And if you comment within the first 30 minutes, you always have a chance to win some free gear. To get this workout and more workouts like this, go to awaisworld.com.

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