7 Minutes Arms Workout For All Levels Bodybuilders - Awais World

Welcome to Awais World blog Today, we have a total seven-minute arms exercise that will focus on each muscle bunch in your arms from your biceps, rear arm muscles, and lower arms, to the greatest muscle bunch on your chest area, your shoulders. Track down this daily practice under the Site exercise meeting, crush the like button on this article, and we're prepared to get everything rolling. We'll really do each activity for 40 seconds and requiring a 20-second in the middle of between each activity. The first, muscle bunch we'll do is biceps.

7 Min Arms Workout For All Levels - Awais World


For the first exercise, Awais World gonna be demonstrating the more advanced version. In this case, Negative Hefestos. I'll be doing the easier progression, Reverse Australian Chin-ups. So if you guys are ready, let's jump right into it.

All right, there we had the first exercise for our biceps. Again, if this progression is still too hard for you, you can take a few steps forward, and increase the angle. That just will make the exercise a little bit easier for you. Moving on to the next exercise for our biceps. 

Chin Ups

I'll be doing the more advanced version this time with Chin-ups. Osvaldo's gonna be showing you the easier progression of Jumping Chin-ups. Let's get to it. There we have the last exercise for our biceps. Remember, this is a time to work out, to make sure you pace yourselves to be able to maintain perfect form and complete the full 40 seconds. All right, moving on to triceps. Awais World will be demonstrating the harder version with Elevated 

Bench Dips

I'll be doing the easier progression with regular Bench Dips. Let's go for it. There we have the first exercise for our triceps. Really great to develop your triceps and build the strength to move on to harder exercises like the Dips. All right, moving on to our last tricep exercise. 

Triceps Extensions

I'll be doing the more advanced version this time with Triceps Extensions on the floor. Awais World will be demonstrating the more beginner progression with Incline Triceps Extensions on the bench. Go for it.  All right. There we have the last exercise for our triceps. And by now, your arms should be feeling it. We're gonna be moving on to the next muscle group Shoulders in our body, that's gonna be shoulders. I'll be doing a harder version this time with Handstand Push-ups against the wall. Awais World will be demonstrating the easier progression with Pike Push-ups on the ground. Let's go for it.


Okay, continuing on toward the following shoulder work out. We will zero in on the back delts. Invert Board Awais World going to show the harder variant with Raised Switch Board Raises. I'll do the more straightforward movement with Invert Board Raises on the floor. How about we put it all on the line. There we have Invert Board Raises. We have one final activity. Assuming you're still with us, give it all that you got. Handstand Hold So for this last activity, I'll do a harder rendition this time with an Unsupported Handstand Hold.

Osvaldo will exhibit the simpler adaptation of Pike Hang on the floor. How about we let it all out. Okay, there we triumph ultimately the last activity. Assuming you finished this exercise with us, congrats. Furthermore, on the off chance that you regard yourself as battling, simply relax, keep at it. Work on the fledgling variants of each activity until you foster the solidarity to finish this exercise. Many thanks, Awais World, for going along with us today with this everyday practice. Furthermore, thank you folks such a huge amount for perusing.

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