3 BEST Calisthenics Skills To Learn Beginners - Awais World

Welcome to Awais world blog, Today I will show you three calisthenic abilities that anybody can begin acquiring regardless of where you are. It takes zero gear and it will totally change your build and enormously work on your range of abilities. Presently, you've presumably seen these three abilities someplace and contemplated internally, "Definitely, I'm always going to be unable to do that." However, actually, you certainly will. These three abilities are additionally essentials of exercises. So they will have you progress rapidly.

3 BEST Calisthenics Skills To Learn Beginners - Awais World

Every other more advanced skill, like the full planche, full planche pushups, handstand pushups, and so much more stems from the three exercises that I'll be showing you today, which is why these three skills are gonna condition and strengthen your body to be able to do more advanced exercises that require you to lift your body off the ground from your hands. 

Calisthenics is an excellent form of bodyweight training that can help build strength, flexibility, and endurance.

Tips for Beginners:

  • Focus on proper form and technique to avoid injury. Quality repetitions are more important than quantity.
  • Start with a few sets of each exercise, gradually increasing the number of sets and repetitions as you get stronger.
  • Incorporate these exercises into a well-rounded routine that includes warm-up and cool-down stretches to improve flexibility and prevent muscle soreness.
  • Track your progress to stay motivated and set achievable goals.

"How To L-Sit Hold On The Floor."

Now let's start off with the very first progression. And keep in mind for the rest of this article, that when it comes to callisthenics training, it's just like weights, but we increase the resistance over time using progressive overload. But instead of using weights, we use harder and harder progressions. With each progression, the angle of position will change, allowing more body weight to be applied. Once you're able to do an exercise comfortably with perfect form for the required amount of repetitions, then you're ready to move on and attempt the next harder progression. 

L-SIT Kicks

we're gonna be going for L-sit kicks. This is gonna be a lot more difficult, but by this time, you should have developed a lot more upper-body strength. So let me show you what it looks like and then I'll break it down for you. You wanna be able to start in a tucked L-sit position, then kick your legs out to a full range of motion, completely locked out and straight, and then bring them back into a tucked position. You wanna be able to do this as controlled as possible. But when you're first starting off, you may not be able to go all the way out and it may not be that controlled, but that's okay. 

90 Degree Hold Moving

The second skill I'm gonna be showing you how to master, that's gonna be the 90-degree hold, and this is a very important exercise to have in your arsenal. This exercise is not only gonna develop insane upper body strength but also allow you to hold your entire body weight from a horizontal position and even rep it out eventually, developing superhuman strength in your shoulders, arms, core, as well as your lower back. And I'm gonna be showing you the very first progression that anyone can start doing to start mastering this exercise. 

Pseudo Planche Pushups

All right, moving on to progression three. Things are gonna get a little more difficult. We're gonna be going for a pseudo-planche pushup. I'm gonna show you what that looks like and then we're gonna break it down. Slightly different from the normal pushup. You wanna lean as far as possible so that your hands are by your waistline, and then you wanna push from there. Now, it looks simple, but it's actually pretty difficult to do when you're first starting off. So for your first time or your first couple of times, don't go all the way down to your waistline. 

Pike Hold

All right, now moving on to the third and final skill, you're gonna be a well-rounded and complete athlete after this. I'm gonna be showing you how to hold your entire body weight from an inverted position with perfect balance and that's gonna be the handstand hold, developing insane balance, coordination, physique, and strength in your upper body. We're gonna be building all of that up from the very beginning, just like all the previous skills. 

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